Heather Cottage Knits

Patchwork Blanket Pattern - Part 2

Knitting PatternsSarah Jane PitchfordComment

You can find Part 1 of the Patch Stripe pattern on my blog here

Step 3 - Stocking Stitch

Stocking stitch is the second stitch pattern that any knitter must learn - the stitch uses just knit and purl . The ‘right side’ of your work is knitted and the ‘wrong side’ is purled which gives you one smooth side and one more textured side.

The smooth side of stocking stitch…

…the textured side of stocking stich.

Stocking stitch has less vertical stretch than Garter stitch and makes a great base for all knitting projects. In this blanket is makes for a smooth stripe to contrast with the more textured stripes.

To work your Stocking Stitch stripe work these two rows:

Row 1: Knit all stitches

Row 2: K10, Purl all stitches to the last ten stitches, K10

Repeat these two rows until your new stripe measures 5” (13cm). The K10 at the start and end of each wrong side row will create your garter stitch side borders.

Step 4 - Moss Stitch

The Moss Stitch is formed by alternative knit and purl across each row. The moss stitch is reversible, meaning that is looks the same on the right and wrong sides, and is soft, textured, and has a unifrom stretch. Moss stitch is great for blankets and scarves and it is reversible and, as used for borders, the edges wont roll.

To make your moss stitch stripe work the following rows:

Row 1: K10, ^K1, P1, repeat from ^ to the last 10 stitches, K10

Row 2: K10, ^P1, K1, repeat from ^ to the last 10 stitches, K10

Repeat these two rows until your stripe measures 5” (13cm) finishing on an odd side row with a right side row facing for your next stripe.

Your blanket should now measure 15” (38cm) in total.